
we buy or sell houses fast for cash

Sell Your House Or Property For Cash Today!

Call Us Today
(505) 226 2181
(505) 490 6742

Real Estate Business under the shadow of Beautiful Sandia Mountains in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Cash Reward for finding vacant homes. Real estate in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Find a vacant home that is not listed for sale with a Real Estate company or by owner, and when we close on it, we pay you CASH! Our Vacant House Finder program can put money in your pocket for just giving us the address of the house. Rewards start at $250 and goes up from there depending on how many you find and we buy. Info we will need:

Contact Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Property Address:
Comment On Property Condition:

Please give your contact information in order to receive the cash reward (can be address, email or phone number):

We are investors that have put together programs that will fit the situation you need.

To get started, simply stop by our office or call to schedule an appointment with one of our solution specialists. The faster you respond, the sooner we can help. Time may be running out.